Local - Organic - Fresh

  • Purple Radish

    Radish microgreens contain Vitamin B6 and folate that helps in improving the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that radish microgreens have benefits that aid in the following:

    • Anti-Cancer

    • Weight Loss

    • Healthy Skin

    • Alzheimer's disease

    • Diabetes

  • Pea Shoots

    Pea shoots are high in antioxidants and carotene. It is alike garlic, helps our body to fight against free radical damages which may induce cancer related diseases. Pea shoots naturally helps diabetic patients to keep a close watch to their blood sugar level.

  • Sunflower Microgreens

    Microgreen sunflower seeds produce seedlings that contain about 25% protein. They are big and succulent like mung bean sprouts, but with large, prominent cotyledons (first leaves). They have a surprisingly sweet and mild taste reminiscent of carrots.

  • Kohlrabi

    Kohlrabi microgreens contain Vitamin C, Potassium, Vitamin B6, Phosphorus, Folate, Thiamin, and Calcium. Scientific studies have shown that this combination of vitamins and minerals have major health benefits if consumed daily.

  • Wheatgrass

    Wheatgrass is low in calories but high in nutrients, including antioxidants such as glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body, reducing oxidative stress and protecting against health conditions like arthritis, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases

  • Micro Broccoli

    Micro broccoli has been hailed the king of all microgreens. Studies have shown that these greens can contain up to 40 times the amount of vitamins and minerals of their mature counterpart. Sulforaphane is the most beneficial compound in broccoli microgreens. Several studies have shown that broccoli microgreens high in glucoraphanin decreased oxidative stress and inflammation in kidneys and reduced blood pressure in the cardiovascular system.